Early Math Resources for Teacher Educators
Over a few days, preschool teachers can learn about the development of children’s counting, see how that fits with the their curricula,…
These guidelines can provide six or more hours on early mathematics (focus on shapes and spatial relations) in a three-unit semester…
A short session around spatial relations can support moving beyond thinking about spatial relations as identifying the shapes, expanding…
Children often describe characteristics of shapes using their informal out-of-school language. We want to encourage participants to…
Often in professional development settings it is productive to anchor the content of the day around one activity designed for children…
These guidelines can provide 6+ hours on early mathematics, specifically operations, in a 3-unit semester preschool curriculum course.…
These guidelines can provide three or more hours on extending counting to operations. It builds on participants’ knowledge of …
These tasks are designed to help you assess a child’s understanding of data. The protocol begins with sorting and…
The initial 2-hour session focuses on supporting participants to notice patterns in their environment and consider what…
This 2-3 hour session focuses on engaging participants with non-standard and standard measurement: what the different kinds…
The following activities can be enacted in one class session or broken into two shorter sessions. Participants should have a…
These tasks are designed to help you use the clinical interview to assess an individual child’s understanding of…
A story in which Teachers Emily and Alondra learn from Zobeir about the importance of vocabulary for both teachers and children, and how…
This activity supports teachers to consider how to use observational data to promote engagement and learning in mathematics in ways that…
This fictionalized but very real story of actual teacher experiences tells the story of a team-teaching effort to incorporate meaningful…
Ever wonder what a pattern unit is and why it is important? Here’s your chance to find out!
The environment constantly exposes young children to regularities of various types: in music, shirts, dance, shape, and spatial…
This is the story of how Teachers Steph and Maria found out what children notice about patterns and why that matters.
Patterns have long been a part of preschool curricula. But, what is a pattern? How do we go beyond simple ABAB patterns? And…
We often think of graphs and charts when we think of data. But children collect data all the time without them. This…
Measurement in early childhood involves important mathematical concepts that can be supported in the preschool classroom through…
This story is another approach to explaining the mathematics of measurement. It is written not for children, but for prospective and…
You’ve been counting regularly in your classroom and you’ve decided to start including activities that encourage children to delve…
We describe a way to engage participants in learning about patterns and algebraic thinking in Teaching Algebraic Thinking to Young…
Here is a detailed description of one round of the Shape Touch activity described in …
This article shows how different aspects of shape and space are fundamental to children’s lives. Educators can use many different…
An accessible overview of the mathematics of geometry and spatial relations. This article contextualizes this mathematics in children’s…
This story is written not for children, but for prospective and practicing teachers. It takes the child’s point of view about shapes and…
A vignette about teachers Makayla and Jaden draw on their knowledge of "development" to consider if children's understanding of…
Mathematics, specifically number and operations, is at the heart of the intensely social interactions of fair-sharing. In attempts to…