This story is another approach to explaining the mathematics of operations. It is written not for children, but for prospective and practicing teachers. The approach is to take the child’s point of view about understanding operations and experiencing operations in the real world. It presents the adventure in an amusing manner that will draw in adults who may have some anxiety about or disinterest in mathematics.
Before leaving for parts unknown, Prof. Ginsboo wrote a series of stories explaining everything you need to know about basic mathematics. He entrusted them to me and instructed that I make them available to those most in need of his wisdom. That means you. I know that Professor Ginsboo hopes that you will put on your playful party hat as you read this story and others he has written. Professor Ginsboo claims that you will learn the math of operations if you permit him to amuse in the service of education. Bon voyage. And remember: put on your playful party hat when you read, and also when you teach!
Download the story below.