Early Math Resources for Teacher Educators
This page consists of video clips that are designed to illustrate assessing students using the data assessment protocol.
This thinking story describes how children’s basic ideas of small, larger, and largest gradually evolve into sound understanding…
Patterns can be notoriously difficult to define. This handout provides illustrations of teacher-child interactions that help take…
There are many daily-life activities in which children engage with mathematical patterns. This handout describes some of these…
Children are interested in order at an early age. When order has regularity (that is, size increases by a specific amount each time),…
Children can learn surprisingly sophisticated patterns related to the counting words. In this handout, Anna illustrates her…
This is an assignment completed by one of my students in which she conducted a clinical interview exploring a young child’s mathematical…
This video of four-year-old Ethan illustrates how young children engage in mathematics in real-life situations as he distributes rocks "…
This is a Math Thinking Story about a five-year-old preschool girl, who was interviewed towards the end of the school year in May.…