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Preservice: Two Sessions

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As a pre-service teacher educator working with new teachers who are just beginning their preschool teaching careers, I have three main goals: (1) to help students draw on their own experiences in mathematics, good and bad, to create supportive mathematical learning environments for preschool children, (2) to support students in gaining knowledge about early mathematical development, and (3) to help students learn how to engage young children in rich mathematical activities.

Preschool Curriculum Course: 2 Sessions

These guidelines can provide six or more hours on early mathematics in a three-unit semester preschool curriculum course. It is broken into two segments, but can also be broken into shorter segments.

Laying a Foundation
Let’s orient participants to influences of beliefs regarding mathematics teaching, children’s strengths, and how to support and challenge children in their mathematical development in operations.

Session 1

Preparation homework for participants

Classroom Activities

Session 2

Preparation homework for participants

Classroom Activities

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